
Showing posts from September, 2021

Azure Pipelines vs. GitHub Actions

  I am a big fan of Azure Pipelines (and Azure DevOps). Being one for years. Azure Pipelines is a very mature and powerful tool. Azure DevOps/Pipelines was built with the enterprise in mind and it works really well for the enterprise world. It allows you to create workflows that automatically build, test, publish, release, and deploy code to provide end-to-end traceability of the software development lifecycle. . Then, out of the blue, Microsoft buys GitHub in 2018 and starts immediately expanding GitHub functionality. Over last two years, there have been so much innovation and improvement in GitHub functionality: advanced security, secret scanning, package management, codespaces, insights, dependabots, projects, innersource management, and of course, GitHub Actions. There is so much awesomeness to cover! But, let’s stay focused on GitHub Actions for now (and, perhaps, cover other items in future posts.) GitHub Actions is an excellent CICD tool to automate your software workflows t...