Python Object and Data Structure

Numbers - FAQ
Numbers FAQ 
1. What's the difference between floating point and an integer?
An integer has no decimals in it, a floating point number can display digits past the decimal point.
2. Why doesn't 0.1+0.2-0.3 equal 0.0 ?
This has to do with floating point accuracy and computer's abilities to represent numbers in memory. For a full breakdown, check out:
Strings FAQ
1. Are strings mutable?
Strings are not mutable! (meaning you can't use indexing to change individual elements of a string)
2. How do I create comments in my code?
You can use the hashtag # to create comments in your code
Strings FAQ
1. Are strings mutable?
Strings are not mutable! (meaning you can't use indexing to change individual elements of a string)
2. How do I create comments in my code?
You can use the hashtag # to create comments in your code

Lists FAQ
1. How do I index a nested list? For example if I want to grab 2 from [1,1,[1,2]]?
You would just add another set of brackets for indexing the nested list, for example: my_list[2][1] . We'll discover later on more nested objects and you will be quizzed on them later!
Dictionaries FAQ
1. Do dictionaries keep an order? How do I print the values of the dictionary in order?
Dictionaries are mappings and do not retain order! If you do want the capabilities of a dictionary but you would like ordering as well, check out the ordereddict object lecture later on in the course!
Resources for More Basic Practice
Before you begin your assessment, I wanted to point out some helpful links for practice (don't worry about being able to do these exercises, I just want you to be aware of the links so you can visit them later, since we still haven't discussed functions, you won't be able to utilize a lot of these resources yet!):
Basic Practice:
More Mathematical (and Harder) Practice:
List of Practice Problems:


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